If there is one kind of bags which can carry your whole world, then that must be tote bags. No matter you are going to the office or shopping with your friends, tote bags will always be your best fashion partner, especially when you are taking a flight or traveling with your babies. Chloe did a good fight with their new woody tote bag last year, now more classic luxury brands and independent labels join this potential field. Here are our fashion editors’ top picks.
Tote Bag: A Must-have In Your Everyday Wardrobe
If there is one kind of bags which can carry your whole world, then that must be tote bags. No matter you are going to the office or shopping with your friends, tote bags will always be your best fashion partner, especially when you are taking a flight or traveling with your babies. Chloe did a good fight with their new woody tote bag last year, now more classic luxury brands and independent labels join this potential field. Here are our fashion editors’ top picks.